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Comments on: Tiger By My Side
Slip into another reality.Fri, 03 May 2024 01:49:56 -0700hourly1https://wordpress.org/?v=4.5.30By: Kat
Mon, 01 Feb 2010 10:52:27 +0000http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=388#comment-20628Argh!Am I the only one not able to see the pics?!
That´s so not cool*kicks her PC* 😈
By: sara
Thu, 14 Jan 2010 02:22:22 +0000http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=388#comment-20426wait did you dl his pjs as a nude because that would be really clever 😳 😛
]]>By: sara
Thu, 14 Jan 2010 02:17:50 +0000http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=388#comment-20425hrm i am curious as well how you got rid of that pesky censor i hate it i some you can if you install the awesom mod but thats way to much uncertainty for moi
]]>By: xtinabobina
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 02:51:37 +0000http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=388#comment-19709I have to agree with SB..you really have made the most out of the sims 3! I haven't really been playing it much, wrote a couple of stories using it and created a bunch of screenshots, but i, personally, find that sims 2 just fits me better. love what you've done with it though, thanks for sharing it with us:) :up:
]]>By: Trista
Fri, 16 Oct 2009 19:23:56 +0000http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=388#comment-19594These pictures and side stories are fun…but when do we get to find out what happened after Edmond bit Emily? I feel bad, I don't want to complain because I love visiting your site and seeing all the new stuff. Take care!