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Mao: Ah, crap! Seriously? *goes to check my photos* Well, damn it! You're right. I thought I had fixed it. I first noticed that you were having trouble with photobucket, which clued me into the compression on free accounts, so I signed up for a Pro account thinking it would help. But, apparently not. I'm really pissed now. I don't know what to do. I could host them myself (I have plenty of space), but I wanted to save my bandwidth for my Sims 2 story pictures. Hmm… Maybe I'll just host them anyway. How is the wordpress.com solution working for you?
Some of the TS3 interactions are nice, but most are just bad copy/pasta from TS2. You can tell they did very little to try and fix the animations to route with the more complex TS3 models, especially when eyes roll back into their head for half the duration or their hands are like several inches away from where they should be. 🙁 I know most of the new interactions are the same thing pasted over and over, but I do like the ability to "Thank for cooking" and "announce" things. Makes for good pictures. 😉
I can see you're having the photobucket issue. They are compressing images now, which is bogus. Even Pro accounts are getting hit. I've taken to hosting my photos at wordpress.com. They give you 3gigs or so of space for signing up for a blog. /grumblegrumble lousy photobucket…
]]>Ju: Yay! Congrats on the new computer! It sounds like it shouldn't have any trouble at all running Sims 3 at max settings. I hope it arrives home soon. I hate waiting for computers! haha
]]>I have a feeling my game will run like a dream as soon as I get my compy up and running.
]]>Stephanie: Aw, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it so much. Yes, I think the interaction of an adult reading to a child is adorable too. If I had known it was so cute earlier, I would have had Katriss (or Ethyn or Ransom) read more to Inara.
Ju: Have you tried installing Awesome Mod? It's supposed to fix that. Plus, you're able to "Ctrl + click" between houses. I do it all the time and haven't lost any wishes or anything (except when I took out Awesome Mod).
Stacey: haha Maybe… I haven't decided what I'm going to do with her yet. I do want her to be a hacker for sure though. I need someone with the "handy" skill in the family. I'm so sick of having to call for a repairman for things that break every other day. 😡 It would be nice to have someone who could fix it without fear of electrocution.
Hydrakitten: I know, right? I thought that was one of the freakiest looks, especially coming from Katriss.
And, a lot more man bod in the next post. Ethyn seems to appear in his underwear more than anyone else in the story. 😮 heehee