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]]>Oh, wow, he sorta does! You know, I listened to Type O Negative back in my college days but was never a huge fan. However, I might have made more of an effort if I'd realized how hot Peter Steele was back then. haha
]]>I know. His eyes are so intense. Can you imagine if he was real and he looked at you with those eyes? *faints*
If Gayl makes me go to TS3 I'll do it.
]]>Thank you! I thought the outfit was very much to Edmond's taste too. He's always been a classy yet slightly eccentric dresser.
If you do get Sims 3, it doesn't have to be an exclusive switch. I still use Sims 2 as well. 🙂
And hehe my boyfriend resembles Edmond a bit, the cheeks, the thick brows, the strong nose and the mouth.But my boyfriend's hair is wavy/curly (but long too) and he has brown eyes.And yes, I can say I'm very lucky :XO:
And I can't wait to see your BJD Edmond! 😳
]]>I can't wait for my Edmond BJD to be completed either. I'm so excited! I hope the body will arrive soon. If you want a sneak peek at his face-up, you can see him at the artist's site. He's a Dollshe Saint. He's a bit more pretty than the Sims' versions, but it's kind of hard to get away from that in the doll world.
Kara, I was pretty sad because you changed to TS3 and I thought "no Edmond anymore" 😥 But girl, I almost screamed when I saw Edmond in his TS3 version on the frontpage.I didn't do it just because I remembered that everyone's sleeping here at home hehe 😛 But my goodness, he's still gorgeous, and no pudding face! He was my favorite character (he looks a bit like my boyfriend), and I'm more than happy seeing him in TS3. 😀
And I'm curious about the traits you gave him. 🙂
]]>Thanks, Karen! I haven't completely switched to Sims 3, I'll still be doing "The Monster & the Maiden" in Sims 2. But, I was missing my characters and wanted to play with them in this game too. And, wow, you say your boyfriend resembles Edmond? Lucky you! :XO:
As for Edmond's traits, here they are: Bookworm, Insane, Loner, Natural Cook, and Perfectionist. 🙂