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]]>Thank you! I like how she turned out.
Exactly what I do. I don't want to end up with a billion crappy things like I did in TS2 and then have to do a major sort out… In fact, I'd only just finished sorting my TS2 downloads folder when TS3 came out. Ugh.
Your sims are lovely – so lifelike! What skintones and eyes do you use?
]]>Thank you so much, Marisa! I've added CC lists to both of the "screen tests" posts so that everyone can see what stuff I'm using to make my sims.
haha I know what you mean. I even organized everything into subfolders since my mods/packages folder was getting too cumbersome with stuff just shoved in there. I was having a hard time finding packages.
And, I just want to say how much I'm enjoying the pictures you've been posting. Two of my Sims, Viktor and Julian, have their bedrooms exclusively decorated with travel pictures and rock posters from your site. I love them! 🙂
Oh, and I downloaded skin and eye replacements (-excited-). I still haven't gotten anything else yet though. I just want to make sure I have the best quality I can have for my game. I don't want to just "settle" like I did for The Sims 2. Funny how on my dinosaur computer I used to download thousands of custom content files without even thinking about it and now I have an amazing computer and always make sure to sleep on it for a few days before I download even just one.
]]>It's nice to be missed. 🙂 And, that's probably a great approach to downloading stuff. So far, I've been doing a lot of installing, checking to see how it looks in game, and then deleting. Some of the hair styles I'm a little lenient with since I'm desperate for new hair. I have everything well organized in various files at least.
And of course, I look forward to seeing more of Edmond! 😮
]]>Thank you, A! I worked hard on her to make sure she didn't look like a lot of the other Sims 3 females. It's easy to make them look the same. So, I'm glad I succeeded! That's one of the fun things about the Sims 3: if you work at it, you can make a lot of unique, but good-looking characters…at least, I like to think so. 🙂
]]>Oh, I think about Edmond and Emily all the time. You have no idea! It's pretty sad, actually. haha I even have a ball joint doll version of Edmond who is almost completed. I just need to make the last payment on his body, which should happen this week. I'm hoping it will arrive by next week. *crosses fingers*
And, a ski mask! Great idea, Stacey! mwahahaha 😉