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Oh yeah Raiven, look in your sims 2 book on pages 8 to 11. It'll explain how to move your families closer together (or further apart) and how to load 'em into your desired neighborhood. 😉

By: Raiven http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/game-stuff/girl-meets-boy/comment-page-1#comment-350 Fri, 03 Dec 2004 12:54:09 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=39#comment-350 How did you move yr SIMS fr one neighbourhood to the next? I thought they could only stay were they started out. Please tell. I have endless SIMS scattered all over the place and I would like to get them toghether.

By: coolguy http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/game-stuff/girl-meets-boy/comment-page-1#comment-348 Fri, 03 Dec 2004 00:52:59 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=39#comment-348 huh??:shock:wow and i thought i talked weird.:shock:

By: Natou http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/game-stuff/girl-meets-boy/comment-page-1#comment-331 Sat, 27 Nov 2004 10:55:25 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=39#comment-331 Ca à l'air mignon comme histoire… 😉 je pense que pas beaucoup me comprendrons, mais bon moi en meme temps je comprend mal l'anglais…

A ce qui comprenne vous êtes trop fort!!!! 😯
Une française

By: heidi http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/game-stuff/girl-meets-boy/comment-page-1#comment-301 Wed, 24 Nov 2004 15:16:31 +0000 http://sims2.atomicspacekitty.com/?p=39#comment-301 Great! Another legacy challenge, it's so fun to see how everybody does their stories. I can't wait to see more! I need to post some about my legacy family again. I have two generations so far but it's so hard to keep everybody happy all the time…especially with children!
