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anyone know an easier way to delete them?
Reyoko, Cadie, and sleepless, she is a bit too pretty to be a pirate, isn't she? But, no matter, in my defense I offer Elizabeth from Pirates of the Caribbean. She was beautiful…and a pirate. 💡 So there… 😛 😉 Much more fun to look at than what a real pirate might have looked like. heehee
Lani, it's totally like Swiss Family Robinson! I loved that movie as a kid. Also, I turned on the TV earlier today and Blue Lagoon was on (God, Brooke was so young in that!). It reminds me of that too.
Oh, and Dektora, great idea about "Jason+deserted island"! :XO: Actually, I think I figured out a way to use custom Sims in Castaway Stories, I'll have to try it out with Jason. Or just use him in my new Castaway neighborhood that I want to make in my regular game. What fun I could have with him!
And thank you, sleepless, for the birthday wishes! 😀